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Everything posted by ADaM

  1. Дорогие друзья. С 21.12.2024 сервер Velvet_x1 закрыт, на его месте в ближайшее время будет открыт новый Balance_x30 На данный момент мы готовим новый интересный контент. Подробности нового сервера будут публиковаться в соответствующем разделе форума Balance_x30
  2. ADaM


    Проблем с подключением быть не должно, сервера находятся в Европе.
  3. Спасибо за вашу внимательность, мы обязательно все проверим и если действительно что-то работает не корректно, поправим.
  4. ?)))
  5. Ограничения на старте: Ивент Портал - с 8.12 Первые осады - с 15.12 Ивент ТокГейм Герой - с 16.12 Демонические Мечи - с 16.12 Аукцион - с 16.12 Restrictions at the start: Event Portal - from 8.12 The first sieges - from 15.12 Event TokGame Hero - from 16.12 Demonic Swords - from 16.12 The auction starts on 16.12
      • 1
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  6. Мы решили продлить ОБТ до 6-го числа, так как сами не ожидали такого количества людей. 6.12 ориентировочно в 12 часов по Москве сервер будет закрыт для подготовки к старту. Вход будет только для администраторов проекта.
  7. Живы
  8. Розыгрыш Призов от L2up!!! Переходим по ссылке и участвуем! https://t.me/la2up/898 Победители: 1. Shok - 1000 Золота 2. aQstrong - 750 Золота 3. Diger - 500 Золота 4. Ожидаем ник... 5. Ожидаем ник...
  9. Попробуй Мини сериалы по 8 серий.
  10. Поправил. Вы слишком быстро зашли в тему )))
  11. Тема старая, но думаю и на х15 обновим её, чуть позже )
  12. Это ТОП!!!
  13. Респаун Эпик Боссов, Сервер Orbita x15: 1. Королева Муравьев - 1 сутки 2. Антарас - 8 суток 3. Валакас - 11 суток 4. Баюм - 5 суток 5. Сэйлрен - 1 сутки 6. Байлор - 1 сутки 7. Белет - 1 сутки 8. Ядро (Коре) - 2 суток 9. Орфен - 2 суток
  14. 24 часа +-2 Информацию по эпикам, сделаю чуть позже, отдельной темой
  15. Большое спасибо за ваше мнение, статья получилась очень интересной. Мы обязательно подумаем, как можно реализовать данные идеи в дальнейшем.
  16. Для удобства общения, у нас есть свой сервер Teamspeak. Для подключения, необходимо в клиенте TS указать адрес ts.tokgame.club и ввести свой игровой ник. Скачать клиент TS можно с офф сайта: https://teamspeak.com/ru/downloads
  17. У нас они отключаемы, так как Икона и тд внесут дисбаланс, что логично )
  18. При понижении левела на 10 меньше, чем требуемый для скилла, скилл удаляется. Не совсем понятно, что вы имеете ввиду говоря о офф. сборке. Начиная с 49го уровня.
  19. Шанс крафта 3% , ПА влияет только на шанс заточки +5%.
  20. Для любителей автофарма, 1 час в сутки всегда бесплатный 😊
  21. Обязательно будет. Пока оставим его в секрете.
  22. Orbita x15 Basic rates: XP/SP - x15 Adena - x10 Drop quests - x5, reward - x1 Drop - x8 Spoiler chance - x8, quantity - x5 Ancient Adena - x10 Fishing - x5 Manor - x8 Epaulettes - x5 Glory - x5 Dynamic rates: XP/SP from 1 to 18 lvl - x7 XP/SP from LVL 19 to LVL 26 - x8 XP/SP from LVL 27 to LVL 38 - x9 XP/SP from 39 to 45 lvl - x10 XP/SP from 46 to 51 lvl- x12 XP/SP from 52 onwards, the main rate is x15 Premium (Alt-B Service): Increases the Main rates Increases the chance of sharpening by - 5% Buffs - 2 hours The beginning of the Game: Starting equipment up to grade - D The function of saving TP points Career: First profession - 100,000 aden The second profession is 1,000,000 aden The Third Profession is 10.000.000 aden Nobility - 50,000,000 aden Sub Class quest is not required All professions can be obtained by quests. Character: The portable weight of items in the inventory has been increased - x5 Auto learning skills, except skills for Books The maximum level of the sub class is 85 Sub classes - 3 Inventory expanded: 220 for dwarves, 200 for other races The penalty for leaving, exclusion from the clan is removed in Alt-B (or 12 hours) Change in appearance, gender, and more in Alt-B Additional experience for Recommendations (Nevit) Server Features: RB respawn reduced from 4 to 8 hours Autofarm - 1 hour per day, then for Gold For voting in MA 2 Gold Auto mp\HP\sp Mobs champions from 15 to 84 lvl (3 types of Champions) Golden Champion - aggressive, social, x100 HP, increased drop + additional Gold Retail store up to 10 Catacombs are available 24/7 Auto-drop from mobs and Boss Raid (to the one who caused the most damage) Constantly running events The window limit is 2 (Next for Gold, up to 9) Items with additional parameters for the character Login to all instances from 2 people Dance, Song, Horse, Cat from the character - 4 minutes Permanent Event Portal - called randomly for killing ordinary mobs Buffer - 1 hour (including Dance, Song, Horse, Cat) Daily Tasks: Four options for getting additional game rewards for completing tasks Server currencies: Adena - from mobs and sales of knocked out Silver - Events, mobs champions, PVP battles, RB on the Island of Dreams, RB Ancient Adena - seal stones or purchase on the black market Gold - donation, Gold Champion or vote for the server PC-point : They are credited to the player for every hour in the game Buffs: All buffs with a PA of 2 hours, without 1 hour The maximum number of buffs is 34 The maximum number of songs/dances is 20 Other: Demonic Weapons: Zarich and Akamanakh Autolute Tinctures(herbes) setting in Alt-B "Cabinet-Setting" Autolute setting in Alt-B "Cabinet-Setting" Experience lock setting in Alt-B "Cabinet-Setting" Viewing a drop from mobs with the Shift command +click on the mob A large selection of Vitamin Pets, Rose Spirit, etc. Sieges: Locks every 2 weeks Territorial wars once a week Forts are standard (if the clan has a castle, then the siege is only adjacent to it) Sharpening and chance: Weapon: The chance of success is 65%, from +7 to +20 - 57% (for each sharpening) Equipment: Full armor - The chance of success is from +5 - 86% and up to +20 with a decrease in the percentage of chance of sharpening to 51.12% (for each sharpening) Armor - Success rate - from +4 - 85% and up to +20 with a decrease in the percentage of chance of sharpening to 51% (for each sharpening) The maximum level of weapon sharpening is 20 The maximum level of armor sharpening is 20 The maximum level of jewelry sharpening is 20 Sharpening and the chance of the "Olfa" shirt is equal to the chance of Armor, maximum +9 The attribute of ammunition / weapons and the chance of successful use: Stones - A 50% chance of success Crystals - The chance of success is 30 Conditions for raising the level of clans : The number of clan members has been reduced to increase the level, as well as the PKK To get the 6th level of the clan, you need 5 players. To get the 7th level of the clan, 10 players are needed. To get the 8th level of the clan, 20 players are needed. To get the 9th level of the clan, 25 players are needed. 30 players are needed to get the 10th level of the clan. To get the 11th level of the clan, 40 players are needed. PKK To get the 6th level of the clan, you need 2000 To get the 7th level of the clan, you need 2500 To get the 8th level of the clan, you need 5000 To get the 9th level of the clan, 8000 is needed To get the 10th level of the clan, you need 10,000 To get the 11th level of the clan, you need 20,000 Arena RB: 4 RB, TP with the Community, every 8 hours from the moment of death. The Island of Hell(Hellbound) Level = 11 You need to make a quest Trading: Offline trading is free for 365 days Teams in the game: .ref - command allows you to receive adena through the referral system (1%), for the clan tax .autofarm - automatic character leveling .lk - is a community .km-all-to-me - command allows the KL to summon the clan to itself .offline - switch to Offline trading (Offshore zone), enter a command during trading, you will be disconnected from the server, while you can play with other characters from your account. .autoacademy - prompts you to choose the Clan you want to become an academician .engage - engagement with your half, you should be friends .divorce - divorce (20% starf is given to the injured spouse) .gotolove - teleport from Spouse - 50k Aden (The wedding ceremony takes place at the Andromeda NPC in Rune or Offshore zone) .cfg - additional settings .repair - restore the character in cases of error .clan - privileges for taking things from the clan's storage /friendinvite + character name - add to friends Olympiad: 1 time per week, a new period every Friday from 15.15 Moscow time At least 5 fights. Equip limit to +6 Island of Dreams: PVP, RB Zone
  23. Обработка голосов происходит в течении часа на стороне ММОТОП Л2топ примерно 5 минут.
  24. Обязательно обновим информацию, так как у нас появились новые и интересные агатионы не только за Золото, но и Адену и Серебро
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